
EventKit, part of the GEOINT Services contract, is an open source web application which allows users to quickly find and create datasets. It has an easy to use, modern, reactive, single-page user interface which allows users to extract data from a variety of geospatial web services, from a single location, into the format that they need.

We are core contributors and provide technical direction for the application, which is used to assist our customers in providing a scalable data packaging pipeline for their users.

EventKit uses core libraries and technologies such as:

  • Python (Django)
  • JavaScript/TypeScript (React)
  • GDAL
  • MapProxy
  • Celery
  • RabbitMQ
  • PostGIS
  • Memcached
  • OpenLayers

As an open source project, EventKit is developed openly on Github: https://github.com/EventKit

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