RGi’s FalconVTTM sensor is in production after a successful four-month beta test at a general aviation airport. FalconVT sensors were placed on nine Airport and Fixed Based Operator (FBO) ground service equipment vehicles, including fuel trucks, mowers and operations vehicles. The sensors performed to design specifications across a variety of weather conditions during the test, and continue to operate at the airport.
The FalconVT sensors operate across the entire airport operating area (AOA) utilizing the FalconNetTM communications network over an open commercial spectrum. Unlike cellular solutions, FalconNet is independent of ongoing airport activities and can support communications for up to 2,000 sensors at an airport.
Using GPS technology, FalconVT sensors provide highly accurate, once-per-second update rates that meet the requirements of the FAA’s Runway Incursion Warning System Advisory Circular (AC No: 150/5210-25). The sensor is low cost, highly portable and operates across the entire AOA, including ramp areas, airport perimeters, taxiways, runways, etc. The first production units are due in Q1 2017.
For more information on the FalconVT sensor or the full FalconTM suite of products, contact sales@rgi-corp.com.