
RGi’s FalconVT sensor flies through beta testing into production

RGi’s FalconVTTM sensor is in production after a successful four-month beta test at a general aviation airport. FalconVT sensors were placed on nine Airport and Fixed Based Operator (FBO) ground service equipment vehicles, including fuel trucks, mowers and operations vehicles.  The sensors performed to design specifications across a variety of weather conditions during the test, and continue to operate at the airport.

The FalconVT sensors operate across the entire airport operating area (AOA) utilizing the FalconNetTM communications network over an open commercial spectrum.  Unlike cellular solutions, FalconNet is independent of ongoing airport activities and can support communications for up to 2,000 sensors at an airport.

Using GPS technology, FalconVT sensors provide highly accurate, once-per-second update rates that meet the requirements of the FAA’s Runway Incursion Warning System Advisory Circular (AC No: 150/5210-25). The sensor is low cost, highly portable and operates across the entire AOA, including ramp areas, airport perimeters, taxiways, runways, etc.  The first production units are due in Q1 2017.

For more information on the FalconVT sensor or the full FalconTM suite of products, contact


RGi pilots innovative Falcon product at first General Aviation airport

RGi, in partnership with a General Aviation (GA) airport and its fixed-base operator (FBO), has a pilot program underway for its innovative FalconTM suite of products.  RGi’s Falcon provides a highly accurate sensor updating at once per second for each motorized and non-motorized ground surface equipment (GSE) of interest allowing us to collect, analyze and predict substantial data across the entire airport operating area (AOA) using our Edison Intelligence Infrastructure. Our large cross-airport data store enables us to learn the precursor sequences of various sensor feeds that lead to the degradation of airport surface operations, allowing Falcon to provide time-to-event and a confidence level of the event occurring enabling the operations manager the opportunity to proactively execute a corrective action.

RGi began its inaugural pilot in August 2016 with the goal of analyzing and optimizing the fueling and servicing of GA aircraft by the FBO, as well as airfield maintenance (i.e., mowing and plowing) performed by the airport.  With three months of data now in hand and additional data being collected each day, Falcon will provide the framework for the GA airport/FBO to improve customer service while lowering costs and driving efficiencies.

An additional pilot is scheduled to begin with a larger commercial airport in December 2016.  For questions on Falcon, please contact